


In Education sector, the Church has founded and runs educational institutions that offer formal and non-formal education and are open to every Ugandan irrespective of their creed, race, ethnicity and or political affiliation: Church of Uganda has 2007 Pre-Primary Schools, 5,200 Primary Schools, 630 Secondary Schools both private and government aided, 50 (Business, Technical, Vocational and Training Schools/Institutes/Colleges), 11 Primary Teachers Colleges, 4 National Teachers Colleges and 5 Universities 3 of them are chartered by the government of Uganda. The Education Directorates has a department for children’s work, youth and Family Life Ministry, School Inspection and quality assurance, Theological Education, chaplaincy and Ministerial formation and Formal Education Programmes. 


Church of Uganda Education Directorate Mandate:

To provide, direct, support, guide, regulate and promote accessible, equitable quality Education service and enhance theological education and ministerial formation in C.o.U. 


Church of Uganda Goal in Education

To implement the Church’s Great Commission mandate through delivery of equitable, high quality Education services to an increasing number of Children in all Church of Ugandans Education Institutions regardless of their creed. 


Objectives of Church of Uganda in Education


  1. To enable members of the church of Uganda to acquire literacy and numeracy skills so that they can read the bible and other Christian literature for themselves and receive knowledge and Christian grounding to interact wisely with other people and their environment.
  2. To increase access to equitable quality Christian-driven education and training for members of the church of Uganda at all levels of the education system.
  3. To encourage Church of Uganda members to attain the highest and competitive levels of education and training.
  4. To provide relevant theological education, training and ministerial formation.
  5. To provide all people of Uganda with a rich choice of institutions and learning programmes that apply Christian attitudes, values and skills needed for living a practical Christian life.


The Church of Uganda Education Thematic Areas 


  • Formal and Non – Formal Education 

This includes Formal and Non Formal;–Pre – primary, Primary, Secondary, Business, Technical, Vocational Education and Training (BTVET), Tertiary and University Education plus Inspectorate


  1. Children’s Ministry and Literature

This embraces: Sunday Schools/Children Church planting/discipleship, Christian Teaching to children, Chaplaincy, Life Skills and Psycho –Social Support, Children’s events, Christian Counselling and guidance, Book supply and establishment of Libraries and or Resource Centres


  1. Theological Education and Ministerial Formation

This involve Formal, Non-Formal, Informal, Pre-Service, In-service, Distance/Extension (BUILD)Theological Education and Training, Ministerial Formation, and Continuing Education for the clergy and their spouses, catechetical and Liturgical teaching. Community Health Empowerment(CHE) a ministry that equips local people to reach out with the Gospel of Christ through a wholistic approach.


  1. Theaffiliateinvestment

Thisisjointlyrunbyboth theMissionandEducation DepartmentsisNamirembe ResourceCenter(NAREC) thatprovidesforasafe environmentforgirlchild education and other guests.

  1. Boys and Girls Brigade

whose overall goal World over is to advance Christ’s Kingdom among Boys and Girls and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, self-respect, and all that tends towards a true Christian character grounded in the scripture “Seek ,Serve and follow Christ “Mat. 6:33. The motto is “Sure and Steadfast” Heb. 6:19.

  1. Church of Uganda Universities and other tertiary institutions. This is to provide guidance in the operation of institutions of higher learning through policies and guidelines , supporting them to attain registration, licensing, and accreditation of both programmes and institutions. And also to create a network opportunity through which church of Uganda higher institutions can promote research and innovation in order to provide solutions to the challenges of the society.

Core Functions 


  • Curriculum development, implementation and management
  • Inspectorate
  • Quality and standards management in C.o.U education institutions at all levels
  • Governance and leadership development in C.o.U education
  • Ensureappropriateresourcing
  • Schools/colleges/tertiary institutions and university establishment and ownership (and branding of ‘C.o.U’)
  • Education infrastructure


  • Educationpolicies developmentand implementation
  • Promotion of C.o.U values in education institutions
  • EducationInformation ManagementSystems developmentand management
  • SupportTheological Education,Trainingand MinisterialFormation
  • Educationmattersadvocacy
  • EnhanceBUILDtrainingfor


Programs run by the Directorate 

  • Chaplaincy 
  • School Inspection
  • Child protection /safeguarding
  • Menstruation Hygiene Management 
  • Model SMART School Campaign 
  • Accelerating access to and uptake of services to keep children alive, safe and learning (ECCE – Program )
  • Community Health Empowerment.
  • Discipleship Program
  • Boys and Girls Brigade Activities
  • NAREC Accommodation and Catering Services.
  • Positive Parenting
  • Drugs and Subsistence awareness program
  • Greening Schools.
  • Water Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH) 
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