The Directorate of Household and Community Transformation (CoU-HCT), is one of the seven directorates of Church of Uganda, formerly known as Planning and Development and Rehabilitation (PDR). It is the social- economic development arm Church of Uganda. Our goal is: To improve the livelihoods of households and communities in Uganda.
To achieve our goal, the directorate is always focused on making the local communities self-reliant in their daily life by building their capacity to identify, prioritize their needs/challenges and take relevant actions for improvement. This is realized through; improved food security and sustainable livelihoods status, income security via the saving culture, environment and climate justice, disaster risk resilience, emergency response and support to displaced persons, eco-tourism promotion, good water sanitation and hygiene practices (WASH), gender justice and youths killing.
Strategic focus areas
Approach: The Directorate employs a “participatory approach” which emphasizes community participation in process over goals or results. This is evidenced by ownership and control, use of community leaders, volunteers and beneficiaries for enabling them to be self-sustaining.